Music lessons for kids

Music lessons are extremely important for the child's body and the complex formation of personality. Singing, playing the flute, piano or any other musical instrument not only develops musical taste, but also improves fine motor skills, attention and other important skills.

Now more and more parents want to send their child to music school. Often they themselves are far from being musicians, poorly versed in the issues of such education, but they understand that music education fosters taste and other important qualities of personality in a person.

It turns out that most parents have a vague idea of where to start. What kind of music lessons for children are necessary? What musical instrument to choose? Do I need some prior training? Questions really a lot, so let's look into this problem in more detail.

Where to begin?

Teaching children music should begin at an early age. Hackneyed phrase, but it does not negate its relevance. So where best to start?

For starters, let's pretend that music is the language you want to teach your child. What would be the first step? Of course, creating the right language environment. The effectiveness of this method can be traced to those people who learn a foreign language among its direct speakers, that is, when a person is in the conditional England, he is much faster to learn English, because it is elementary spoken by all people.

And with music - the more auditory musical experience, the easier it will be for the child in the future studies of music. Language is learned by children from birth, they hear their parents talking, they accumulate a passive and active vocabulary.

Accordingly, parents should create the necessary musical environment so that rhythmic and intonational forms and sounds become familiar to the child. You can start from birth by listening to good and positive music, which has a positive effect on the nervous system of the mother and her baby. Your own singing, listening to songs, playing musical instruments (if you, of course, have such skills) - all this has a favorable effect on the child.

You can use children's musical games for babies. Recitatives-improvisations with toys are especially good. You can create an impromptu "communication" of toys with each other to the tune of 3-4 sounds. An added plus if you have a synthesizer or even a real piano in your house. These same recitatives can be played on the keys in different registers.

Remember that under no circumstances should you impose music lessons. Singing songs together or singing along to the accompaniment of a musical instrument should continue for 1-2 minutes, but several times a day. One session should not last too long, or the child will quickly lose interest in them, and he will see them as some kind of servile activity.

When can I start teaching music to preschool children with a teacher? Suppose you are actively engaged with your child at home, singing songs with him, playing an instrument, etc. But this is only the initial stage, which is a good base, but still can not be a full-fledged training. It requires the comprehensive work of a music educator who knows his business and understands exactly how to work with children.

Starting music lessons with young children is always individual. Sometimes I hear that some children begin studying with a teacher as early as 3 or 4 years of age, but this is rather an exception. As a rule, these children's parents are musicians themselves, or they are way ahead of their age in musical development.

So with what age are taken to music school? As a rule, with 6-7 years, but it happens even earlier - at age 5. Here it all depends on the characteristics of the child. In particular, whether he can be persistent and hold attention for at least 15 minutes? If so, he is already ready for lessons. In most music schools, the load is gradual, ie, begin with a small amount of time, then increasing them to 30 minutes. This introduction to the learning process can take from 1 to 3 months.

In our school teachers teach children early musical development, which allows them to join the wonderful world of music. This is a good start for a child who wants to learn to play a musical instrument or take a vocal course in the future. Our standard schedule is 2 times a week, which is sufficient for general musical development. At the same time parents can bring their children to us more often if they want a more in-depth immersion into the world of music.

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