How to learn to sing

The lack of natural vocal abilities is not a reason not to sing. And many of us want to sing almost anywhere: behind the wheel of a car, in the shower, while cleaning, humming our favorite songs, etc.

But how many people think about how to learn to sing? After all, family holidays, friendly evenings, trips to karaoke, even regular weekdays when you are in a good mood - all of them can't do without a song. Of course, you can hardly become a star on the big stage without a professional coach, but you'll manage to stop being shy and sing quite well at your own pleasure if you follow some recommendations.

Can everyone sing?

A Canadian study found that only 1.5% of people suffer from congenital amusia, an inability to understand music. This means that almost everyone has the opportunity to learn to sing from scratch if they are diligent enough.

Think of yourself as a child: you probably composed and sang some songs, paying absolutely no attention to others. It is only later, in adolescence, there is embarrassment and we think that our singing literally cuts off other people's ears and is hardly worth doing it in public. We convince ourselves that our maximum is to sing songs at home karaoke.

It's usually a little better than we imagine it to be. And if you pay attention to it, and use proven guidelines, it is very likely that you will learn to sing at least at an amateur level.

How do I learn to sing quickly from scratch?

For starters, it's worth saying that there's no one magic exercise that will teach you to sing fast, even without much training.

But there are a number of steps that will help develop everyone's singing skills. There are several such tips:

Just start singing and do it wherever you can. Even if you think you sound fake, don't stop. No endeavor will work without practice, so start singing now - that's how your vocal apparatus will begin to develop.

Breathing exercises are the foundation of vocal production. You can find many examples of such exercises with detailed descriptions on the internet. If there are problems with diction, you can correct the situation with the help of tongue twisters. Study a little theory. You don't need to go straight into musical notation, but you should at least understand the basics of vocals.

Proper posture and breathing

During the singing the position of the body should be free. It is best to stand upright, with your hands down or placing them on your stomach in the diaphragm area. The feet should be at shoulder width, standing on the whole foot.

The rules of breathing can be formulated as follows: quick inhale - pause - slow exhale. The breath should be almost imperceptible, quiet. The exhale should be smooth (you can imagine that you are blowing out a candle).

Work on technique

You should start your home exercises with preparation. Singing and facial gymnastics are a good option. You can do grimaces: inflate your cheeks, smile widely, stretch your lips out into a tube, etc.

PhraseBooks are a good tool that allows you to clearly pronounce the sounds and hold your breath for a long time. We don't need to try to say them too fast - our job is to pronounce each sound clearly.

Improve your voice for singing can be done by singing - this is singing vowel letters, sounds, notes. It is best to do this with the accompaniment of the piano (you can buy an ordinary synthesizer).

There are a few tips on how to develop your voice for singing:

Sing sounds from the lowest to the highest. To do this, find the lowest note you can sing on the keyboard of your synthesizer (or piano). Start singing the notes in succession in ascending order until you reach the highest note you can sing.

Sing with your belly. Stand near the mirror and open your mouth wide. It is best to sing along.

Practice for 2-3 weeks and you will notice that your voice has improved.

Consistent practice

Perhaps the main rule that will help you learn to sing at home is to practice regularly. Devote 30 minutes a day to this activity, doing breathing exercises, singing. Only constant practice will be able to develop the necessary skill.

It is difficult to learn to sing if you don't know how your voice sounds in other people's ears. You can solve the problem by recording your singing - so you can adequately perceive the level of your vocal, notice the mistakes and correct them.

The desire to sing is an indicator that you want to learn to express your feelings and relieve inner tension. It is a natural desire, because even the most difficult periods of your life can be experienced with a song, and we hope that you will succeed.

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